Shipping Details for Frieght Process
Shipper/Sender Address
House No |Street Address:
City | Zip Code | Country :
Consignee/Receiver Address
House No |Street Address:
City | Zip Code | Country:
Pick-up Date:
Total Number of Packages:
Package Details
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I hereby declare and affirm that all dimensions, weight, and value of the goods being shipped, as declared by me, are accurate to the best of my knowledge. All packages have been packed by me or by professionals under my direct supervision. I certify that the shipment does not contain any contraband items, dangerous goods, weapons, batteries, alcohol, arms, flammable substances, toxic or corrosive materials, tobacco, or anything harmful to human life or potentially dangerous. I acknowledge that Airzonex is not responsible for any customs duty, taxes, or VAT that may arise in connection with the shipment. If any such levies are imposed, I or my consignee will be responsible for payment. By ticking the checkbox, I confirm my agreement with the above declarations.